
2 years

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

€ 156-2,400


Palermo, Italy


The Master lasts two years and gives the student a solid background regarding issues related to the functioning of financial markets and to those related to the interplay between the private sectors and policymakers.

More specifically, there are 4 main disciplinary areas rooted in the degree course. The first one is advanced economic theory, both at micro-level (Economic analysis, Public Economics and Industrial Organizations) and at macro-level (Topics in Economic Policy and International Economics). The second one is advanced business and financial economics (Corporate Strategy, Risk Management). The third one is advanced mathematical, statistics and econometrics (Mathematics for Economics and Finance, Probability and Stochastic Process and Topics in Macro and Financial Econometrics). The final one is public and private law.

The double degree program with the Universities of Dubrovnik (Croatia) and of Tunis El Manar (Tunisia) and the possibility of spending periods of study abroad within international projects constitute further opportunities for the MA’s students.

Both theory, computing lab sessions and a two months period involving either a stage or seminars offered by representatives of the main stakeholders allow students to develop a strong background and enabling to carry out the profession of economist or financial consultant in the different areas of the private sector or in a variety of public administration jobs.

Courses Included

  • International, EU and Comparative Labour Law
  • Economic Analysis
  • International Economics and Policy
  • Labour Market Law
  • Public Economics

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